Self-Pay Memberships
Video Tutorials
Everything needed for you and your loved ones
to have access to quality healthcare and control over the costs.
Video Tutorials
The following tutorials are categorized based upon the type of member. Regular and Affiliate Members, who pay for their own membership individually, are in the first category, Group Members who are employees of a company or members of an organization that is paying their membership dues are in the second category and the last category is for Group Administrators who have the responsibility to manage membership within their company of organization.
Regular & Affiliate Members
New Member Subscription via Website
This tutorial walks you through the process of subscribing to membership using the Optimal teleHealth website. It’s really pretty simple, just like buying something online from Amazon or any other ecommerce website.
New Member Subscription via Sales Agent
If you have spoken with an Optimal teleHealth Sales Agent and asked them to facilitate membership on your behalf, the Agent will register you in the Optimal teleHealth system and you will receive an email providing you access to your online dashboard. This video will take you through that process.
Group Members
New Group Member: Getting Started
If your company or organization is subscribing to membership for you, payment of dues has been taken care of for you, but you are responsible for completing your membership subscription and activating your services. It’s a simple process and this video will show you how it’s done.
Group Administrators
Group Administrator Registering Employees/Members
A Group Administrator is responsible for adding or removing employees/members memberships from their company/organization. This tutorial shows a membership administrator how to select memberships for employees/members and complete the check-out process, thereby generating emails to each employee/member so they can complete their membership subscription.